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Everything Else is Even More Ridiculous – Datacide 1-10

Everything Else is Even More Ridiculous – Datacide 1-10

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Datacide is a magazine that covers experimental electronic music, from the avantgarde to hard dance music, its intersections with radical politics and counterculture, in-depth political and historical analysis and critique as well as experimental fiction, poetry and visual works. In each issue there is an extensive record review section as well as detailed book reviews, comics and news items.Datacide is not affiliated with or part of any specific political group but engages in a revolutionary critique that rejects the historically discredited strains of leftism associated with Social Democracy and Leninism, drawing instead on the rich heritage of dissident Marxism, libertarian communism and critical theory.Datacide is a critical voice in the increasingly irrational and rightward lurching 'posttruth' times of conspiratorial world views and identity politics.
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