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Paradis is a continuation of the eponymous exhibition conceived by artist Marie Angeletti in Marseilles in 2021. The exhibition brought together 56 artists of different origins and generations. More than just a transcription of this event, this catalogue brings together some one hundred contributions, combining critical texts, poetry, artists' writings and new translations, alongside an equally large number of visual contributions and ad hoc works, most of them previously unpublished.

Published following the exhibition Paradis, curated by Marie Angeletti at Maison R&C, Marseille, in 2021.

Works by Nicole-Antonia Spagnola, John Kelsey, Matthew Pang, Cathy Wilkes, Sarah Rapson, Gene Beery, Jacqueline Mesmaeker, Sara Dereadt, Kari Rittenbach, Maria Nordman, Olga Balema, Louise Lawler, Adrian Morris, John Miller, Enver Hadzijaj, Enzo Shalom, Bedros Yeretzian, Marie Angeletti, Morag Keil, Michael Callies, Gianna Surangkanjanajai, Hélène Fauquet, Andy Robert, El Hadji Sy, Henrik Olesen, Aurélien Potier, Peter Fend, Megan Francis Sullivan, Sturtevant, Tonio Kröner, Bernard Bazile, Gladys Clover, Jimmie Durham, Michael Asher, Camilla Wills, Matthew Langan-Peck, Dan Graham, Nina Könnemann, Win McCarthy, Anna Rubin, Heji Shin, Michèle Graf & Selina Grüter, Simone Forti, Morgan O'Hara, Ye Xe, Yuki Kumura, Lily van der Stokker, Eva Steinmetz, Michael Van den Abeele, Marc Kokopeli, Robert Grosvenor, Samuel Jeffery, Charlotte Houette, Bradley Kronz, Adam Martin, Wade Guyton, Chloe Truong-Jones.
Graphic design: Marie Angeletti and Marietta Eugster.

Published by Claude Balls Int.
published in October 2023

texts in English and French
21 x 28,5 cm (softcover)
416 pages (ill.)
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